Dosage for Corn with trailed sprayer

1. Application when the plant is 20-25 cm high

3 kg in 80-300 liters of water per 1 hectare

2. Application 3-4 weeks later

3 kg in 80-300 liters of water per 1 hectare

3. Application before the plant gets too high to drive over it without damage

3 kg in 80-300 liters of water per 1 hectare

Dosage for Corn with agrodrones spraying

1. Application when the plant is 80-100 cm high

2 kg in 10 liters of water per 1 hectare

2. Application 3 weeks later

2 kg in 10 liters of water per 1 hectare

Results for Corn

The period of vegetation is shorter by 1-2 weeks.

Crop is higher by 20-30%

Protein higher by 10-30%


Biomass is higher by 10-30%


BRIX is higher by 10-30%